Sunday, March 13, 2011

Vancouver Canucks Team Dentist, Dr. Jeffrey Norden Interviews with

Canucks Dentist, Dr. Jeffrey Norden takes a few moments out of his typically hectic schedule to answer some of our questions regarding his affiliation with the Canucks, his dental practice…and what makes him tick!

So Dr. Norden, tell us about why you originally chose dentistry as your profession of choice?

In a nutshell, dentistry is a fantastic profession that allows you to give back to your community, and I truly enjoy the satisfaction of having my clients happy about their oral health and image. Dentistry has further opened a lot of doors and opportunities for me, but overall I’ve always believed people should do what they love…and I just love being a dentist…

You now practice in upscale Kitsilano (right across from Ron Zalko)…are you enjoying this?

OH YES! My last practice was in Richmond, which was nice and I had great clients, but the draw of working near downtown was intense. It affords my staff and I several advantages that we didn’t have previously (access to downtown, etc), and we really love our new location. It’s handy, and the design elements we incorporated really make the practice a great environment for our clients (many of whom followed us out from our last location!)

Do you have any advice you could pass along to any readers thinking of a career in Sports Dentistry?

Hmmm…I’d have to say first off, do what you love if possible. Personally, I’m a sports nut – enjoy watching it, love participating, so extending my sports experience into helping patients and athletes with their dental concerns has been a great fit, As for the opportunity, dentistry is a great profession and there a LOT of teams still out there needing a team dental specialist, where our roles can be extended to provide increased awareness and education regarding oral protection and hygiene (for example, see my article on FarParker helping hockey players manage their MOUTHGUARDS)

Was this part of the plan to become the Canucks Team Dentist, or did this happen more by accident?

Ha! Aside from the great luck, I’ve been playing hockey since I was really young, at a variety of levels right up until entering dental school. My first experience as a “team” dentist was through the 80’s, when I took on the role for a junior level hockey team in Vancouver. Interestingly, the Canucks position became available a little over five years ago, to which I successfully interviewed for, and have been with their organization as the Canucks Team Dentist since!

What are your areas of responsibility or involvement with the Vancouver Canucks?

To read the rest of this interview, please click HERE!  (Thanks for visiting us at!)

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