Monday, October 5, 2009

CBC's Battle of the Blades...WTF???

Hey CBC Hockey Fans,

Okay, I'll be the first to admit that I just watched the new CBC "Battle of the Blades" show last night ( As a beer league goalie, I'll admit I'm often interested in hearing what some of the retired NHL guys are up they play beer league? Did they get real world jobs? Retire on an island somewhere? Well...for a few of them last night, I found out...

In all honesty, if CBC hadn't done such a good job of going out and finding Canada's cutest female figure skaters to put on this show, it would have died on the vine before the rink was half frozen. I mean, come on..."The Cutting Edge" was released back in 1992 and here we are SEVENTEEN YEARS later and this is the best the creative 'gurus' at CBC can come up with? Boy...give those guys an "A+" for originality...If it weren't for Moira Kelly's cute smile, figure and short skirts, that movie would have bombed hard as well. And poor Deebey Sweeny - how many times would you have put up with Moira shouting "toe pick" at you before showing her into the boards?

I'll admit - figure skating is hard, and my own skills are NOWHERE near this caliber. Yet after watching this show though, it's obviously way too hard to learn enough in a few short weeks to make anything remotely worth interesting on this show...which is why CBC went with the 'cute pack' of female skaters. Good Lord Claude Lemiux...was your attempt to get back into the NHL last season nothing but a training camp to apply for a spot on this show??? Yes...everyone will put some cash in the bank, CBC will sell some ads to support the show and Ron McClean gets a little more face time. But without Don Cherry doing the commentating, I just don't think this show cuts it. (Sorry're okay, but I'd rather hear Don tell these people what the hell they should have been doing out there!)

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