Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pre-Exercise Meals and Snacks

 by Nanci S. Guest, MSc, RD, CSCS-- Sport Dietitian

· All meals and snacks should be high in FUEL (carbohydrates): fruit, bread, low fat muffins, bagels, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice, beans, chocolate milk, fruit yogurt etc.

· The pre-exercise meal should settle your hunger and help restore carbohydrates (fuel) to the blood stream and muscle reserve (also called glycogen).

· This meal should hydrate you as well as provide some extra energy and strength for your training session.

· High fat and high protein meals take longer to digest (high fat meal up to 4-5hrs to digest), cause heavy/full feeling, and make exercise more difficult. Avoid high-fat fast foods (hamburgers, French fries), large servings of meat/poultry/full-fat dairy etc

· The longer you have before you exercise, the more food you can safely consume without risking digestive discomfort or nausea.

· The table below provides a general guideline - food consumption should be modified according to athlete’s body weight and goals (i.e. less food for weight loss/lower bodyweight; more food for muscle gain/higher body weight)

Pre-ExerciseGuidelines 3-4 hours prior toexercise Medium meal 2-3 hours prior toexerciseSmaller Meal 1-2 hours prior to exerciseVery Light Meal Only 30-45 min left before gameLiquid Energy

Food Groups: 2-4 ounces of lean meat/chick/fish or alternative protein source• 1-3 bread/starch serving• 1 fruit servings• 1 dairy serving• 1-2 cups of water • 1-2 ounces of lean meat/chick/fish or alternative protein source• 1 bread/starch servings• 1 fruit serving• 1 dairy serving• 1-2 cups of water • low protein• low fat• liquid or blended meals that will empty out of stomach rapidly• low-fat milk products with fruit or energy drinks/bars high in carbohydrates•2-3 cups water • ZERO fat or protein • 100% liquid carbs

EXAMPLE: • Turkey or chicken sub sandwich with veggies & mustard or light mayon• apple/pear/melon• 1 cup of low-fat or skim milk OR1 cup Pasta with tomato sauce (limit meat portion) + 1 cup of skim milk or ½ cup yogurtOR• Protein Bar w/ a banana, fruit salad or ¼ cup raisins• 1 cup skim milk OR• 2-3 slices pizza (avoid meat topping)• 1-2 cups of water • Low Sugar cereal with low-fat milk topped with a sliced banana or berries OR• 1 slice of low-fat cheese on toast or a baked potato with chili beans and 1 • 1 oz lean meat/fish OR• 1/2 cup applesauce or light fruit cocktail w/ 1 cup of low-fat milk or yogurt• 1-2 cups of water ORPeanut butter and banana sandwich + 1 cup yogurt or milk ORSmoothie -1 banana, ½ cup yogurt, ½ cup berries, ½ cup milk or juice + ice • Fat-free fruit yogurt• banana or ¼ cup raisinsOR• low fat muffin/bagelOR• low fat energy bar• all solid foods with 2-3 cups waterOR• 2-3 cups of sports drink (a quick & convenient fuel source immediately pre-exercise or during exercise when pre-meal is missed) • Sip on sports drink for last hour and continue with water and sports drink throughout game or training session• Dilute sports drink to 30-50% water if desired

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