Friday, October 22, 2010

If Things Are Soggy in the Bedroom, Showering with a bunch of TeamMates Won't Help!

Well, here we are – the FIRST article written by Eve (owner of Club Eden) for! Being our first submission, we are embarking on a topic that is garnering a great amount of interest from couples looking to spice things up a tad, and as you return to FarParker, we will continue to provide even more information on a variety of topics I am asked about everyday. After all, if things are soggy in the bedroom, showering with a bunch of your teammates simply won’t help!

So…you are completely focused on that wide open net you missed last game and what to do about your shot accuracy, but let's face it...your partner’s birthday is coming! Before you know it, the clock has run out and once again, you find yourself fighting through the boring malls trying to find your sweetie that perfect gift, since you know how “unamused” she was last year when she opened the box to find a “Yellow V Canucks Sweater.”

Well here's an idea that will jingle their bells and is sure to be received better than a new kitchen appliance or power tool...A Fantasy Photo shoot. A Fantasy photo shoot is a must have for every couple. It's your chance to surprise your significant other with something sexy and memorable that if done well, will be cherished for years to come.

But, to really wow your lover, and get the best images for your Fantasy Photo shoot, you MUST PLAN AHEAD. Before selecting a photographer, search the Internet for erotic images that inspire you, poses you love, and most importantly, themes that reflect your partner’s fantasy.

2-4 weeks in advance, contact a few photographers to get quotes and to view a few samples of their erotic photography work. Send them the inspirational images that you selected earlier and make sure they are comfortable recreating them. Choose your photographer based on a combination of factors that include budget/price, photographic style, and rapport/comfort level. Your comfort level is probably the most important factor - after all, if you're not comfortable with the photographer it will show up in your photos, and the price won't matter if you're not happy with the end result.

A few days before the shoot, get your hair cut/colored (if applicable). Then head to some of your favorite shops in search of sexy outfits and accessories like wigs, paddles, handcuffs, rose petals, chocolates, uniforms, cowboy hats or whatever you need to recreate your Partners Fantasy on Film. And if you want to shoot some pictures that are a little bit more risqué, consider asking/inviting a trusted friend to join you in the shoot. After all, a crop shot of two ladies in black and white with luscious shiny red lips touching can be a very erotic picture that could knock your partners socks off. Just be sure to have the proper agreements in place to give them confidence that their picture doesn't end up in the wrong hands without permission. Alternatively, you could have them wear a sexy mask, or ask the photographer for suggestions on how they can pose without showing their face on film while still contributing to the shot.

On the day of the shoot, engage in a little bit of self-pampering to help relax you beforehand. Take a bath, paint your nails, get a massage...whatever works for you to get yourself ready. Just don't show up to the shoot in a state of panic or chaos, as this will reflect on film.

During the shoot, ask the photographer for directions on how to pose. Have your pre-researched pictures on hand for inspirational reminders. Touch up your make-up and check your outfits often. And, maybe even ask the photographer if you can view the first few pictures digitally as that will help you to get an idea of how you look on camera so you can make adjustments during the shoot. And make sure you get a least a couple of artsy/erotic shots where your face and any other distinguishing marks, are not identifiable. These photos will make for great wall art on display in your own home but are discreet enough to construed as "erotic art" unbeknownst to friends and family...your naughty little secret.

2-10 days following the shoot, your pictures should be ready for pick-up or final selection/viewing from the photographer. The photographer typically does a bit of editing beforehand so that you can focus on selecting from only the best pictures. Choose your favorites and have them all wrapped up to present to your lover in a shiny wrapped package on Birthday morning. All that's left to do is enjoy their reaction!

Happy Shooting,


For all your Fantasy Photo shoot needs, consider Era Photography. Petra and Brad have been working together in artistic/erotic photography and videography for over ten years both professionally, and personally. Brad has been involved in shooting and editing erotica since 1997 where he got his training through an all-purpose Adult Production company based out of Japan. Petra has been has been a professional model for six years posing for artistic nudes and fashion. Combined, they make a powerhouse team in the world of Erotic Arts and have combined their talents and experience to form Studio-Era - Eden's new Erotic Photography Partner. They offer a variety of Fantasy Photo Packages ranging in price from $150 - $600. They can be reached via their website at, or via email at

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Vancouver Canucks Dressing Rooms at Rogers Arena...DAMN!

(This posting courtesy of our friends at POND ROCKET!)

Well...let me be the first to say that showering at Richmond Ice Centre just DON'T CUT IT anymore! Couple of images below to allow everyone to become really aquainted with the everyday locker room set up of a beer league hockey player. 

RIC Crapper...    RIC Changeroom

Now...I'm not complaining...we don't ask for much, really. Just a night or two off from regular family and life duties...couple of pops...few laughs with the team. But at some point we need to start getting REAL here...WE pay the ticket price to not only watch professional athletes, but SUPPORT them. We put their kids through (the best available) buy their (armani) clothes, put (Morton Steak House) meals on their tables...and despite all this, we fund locker rooms that allow them to feel like the royalty we've set up! Boy, long gone are the days of stiching up players on wooden crates in cold, dark, dank locker rooms. What if some of the ticket prices went back to the community, where changerooms could be well...just a wee bit more glamourous?

Yeah, I know...never gonna happen so keep dreaming. Well, seeing what the Canucks (and some media heads) get to hang in, what's wrong with a little fantasy every now and then? Enjoy!

Vancouver Canucks Locker Room

Remember your locker room at the local rink when you were a kid…yeah, the one that had a goalie stick paddle chained to the key so no one would run off with it?

Or your locker room for your junior team…the one that finally made you feel like your were big time? Or your college room…depending where you were, it was a complete dump or the Taj Mahal?

Well, forget everything you thought a locker room was and check out the revamped room belonging to the Vancouver Canucks. We just came across the pics…they were actually released last September. We apologize if they are old news to some of you, but I am sure they are worth a second look. Welcome to the SHOW!

Canucks Changing Room

Excuse me, where's my stall?

Any Bud Lights in those coolers?

This is where you park your wheels

Mine has to be around here somewhere...


Make yourself at home in the kitchen

Relax in the lounge

Hop online and order your PondRocket gear before the game!

This where you put on the foil

Another view of the training room

A tour wouldn't be complete without a dip in the hot tub...where's Snookie?

Now go and grab a real shower, and be sure to wear your sandals!

For more great, fun articles on beer league hockey, health and stuff, visit us at!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pre-Exercise Meals and Snacks

 by Nanci S. Guest, MSc, RD, CSCS-- Sport Dietitian

· All meals and snacks should be high in FUEL (carbohydrates): fruit, bread, low fat muffins, bagels, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice, beans, chocolate milk, fruit yogurt etc.

· The pre-exercise meal should settle your hunger and help restore carbohydrates (fuel) to the blood stream and muscle reserve (also called glycogen).

· This meal should hydrate you as well as provide some extra energy and strength for your training session.

· High fat and high protein meals take longer to digest (high fat meal up to 4-5hrs to digest), cause heavy/full feeling, and make exercise more difficult. Avoid high-fat fast foods (hamburgers, French fries), large servings of meat/poultry/full-fat dairy etc

· The longer you have before you exercise, the more food you can safely consume without risking digestive discomfort or nausea.

· The table below provides a general guideline - food consumption should be modified according to athlete’s body weight and goals (i.e. less food for weight loss/lower bodyweight; more food for muscle gain/higher body weight)

Pre-ExerciseGuidelines 3-4 hours prior toexercise Medium meal 2-3 hours prior toexerciseSmaller Meal 1-2 hours prior to exerciseVery Light Meal Only 30-45 min left before gameLiquid Energy

Food Groups: 2-4 ounces of lean meat/chick/fish or alternative protein source• 1-3 bread/starch serving• 1 fruit servings• 1 dairy serving• 1-2 cups of water • 1-2 ounces of lean meat/chick/fish or alternative protein source• 1 bread/starch servings• 1 fruit serving• 1 dairy serving• 1-2 cups of water • low protein• low fat• liquid or blended meals that will empty out of stomach rapidly• low-fat milk products with fruit or energy drinks/bars high in carbohydrates•2-3 cups water • ZERO fat or protein • 100% liquid carbs

EXAMPLE: • Turkey or chicken sub sandwich with veggies & mustard or light mayon• apple/pear/melon• 1 cup of low-fat or skim milk OR1 cup Pasta with tomato sauce (limit meat portion) + 1 cup of skim milk or ½ cup yogurtOR• Protein Bar w/ a banana, fruit salad or ¼ cup raisins• 1 cup skim milk OR• 2-3 slices pizza (avoid meat topping)• 1-2 cups of water • Low Sugar cereal with low-fat milk topped with a sliced banana or berries OR• 1 slice of low-fat cheese on toast or a baked potato with chili beans and 1 • 1 oz lean meat/fish OR• 1/2 cup applesauce or light fruit cocktail w/ 1 cup of low-fat milk or yogurt• 1-2 cups of water ORPeanut butter and banana sandwich + 1 cup yogurt or milk ORSmoothie -1 banana, ½ cup yogurt, ½ cup berries, ½ cup milk or juice + ice • Fat-free fruit yogurt• banana or ¼ cup raisinsOR• low fat muffin/bagelOR• low fat energy bar• all solid foods with 2-3 cups waterOR• 2-3 cups of sports drink (a quick & convenient fuel source immediately pre-exercise or during exercise when pre-meal is missed) • Sip on sports drink for last hour and continue with water and sports drink throughout game or training session• Dilute sports drink to 30-50% water if desired

View the article online and post your comments at

Sunday, October 10, 2010

FarParker Interview with Nanci Guest, Team Canada 2010 Olympic Nutrition Consultant

There are many incredible accomplishments and services you have gained and provided as a Nutrition Consultant. Can you tell us what got you started in personal fitness and your business at Power Play - what are some of the specific areas you focus on, that might be interesting for us "Beer League" athletes to know about?

I started personal training in 1995 and realized that my nutrition advice (from various home study courses) was inadequate and not scientifically sound. At this point I returned to UBC with my previous AgrSc degree and completed another BSc in Dietetics and continued to do a Master of Science in Human Nutrition. I felt that it was essential that I understand nutrition in order to best serve my fitness clients. While completing my grad studies, I also completed two years of exercise physiology and associated sport conditioning courses at UBC. Now having been a personal trainer all along aside my studies of 7 years I was well-armed to work with athletes as an expert in sport nutrition. I went on to become certified as a strength and conditioning specialist in 2005. My education and experience provides me with a unique skill set as I am highly qualified to provide personal sport conditioning and training and nutritional counselling to both the general public and to athletes of all levels.

Are you noticing any trends in fitness consulting nowadays, or do you see things moving in any new directions?

Seeking professional advice to suit personal goals has a lot of momentum, in this day of unprecedented access to an overwhelming amount of (often confusing) information. Just reading or surfing online or catching tips at the gym is not good enough and one’s confusion just grows. I think that people of all ages are realizing that it requires the advice of a professional to optimize your health and fitness/sport goals and seeking out a fitness and/or nutrition expert will be the fast track to your goals at any given age or sport. This rings true for my baby boomers that want to prevent disease in addition to excelling on the tennis court, to the NHL bound Junior A’s who recognize the competitive edge (in a extremely competitive field) of a personalized diet plan to support training and competition. On a completely different note, outdoor boot-camps are very popular and in high demand here in Toronto – I had a very successful summer/fall season and people absolutely love the outdoors. Vancouver of course allows for this through the winter too – I’ll be there!

Who are some of the most interesting (and/or famous) people you have had a chance to work with? What did you like most about those experiences?

I think one of the most interesting was a world record holding free-diver – the amount of training that can be specified to respiratory muscles to maximize breath-holding capacity is well breath-taking! And nutritional support comes into play for every sport. Famous would be numerous NHL players and some CFL players, along with my indirect connection to many of the 2010 Olympic athletes. I have also trained quite a few stunt men/women for movies filmed in Vancouver – this was very cool because they are often required to be super athletic – fast, strong, reactive and balanced

You were named the "Head Sports Nutrition Consultant for the 2010 Olympic & Paralympic Games in Vancouver." How did that come about? (And congrats too, by the way!!)

I was very privileged to receive a phone call back in 2006 from Jack Taunton (The Chief Medical Officer for 2010) asking me if I would be interested in researching and managing all of the nutrition related projects for 2010 and aid in the menu-planning. Jack knew me well from UBC as he was on my research committee for my Master’s thesis project. I also took many of his training/injury courses at UBC and I also provided sports nutrition counselling for athlete patients he saw at the Allan McGavin Sports Med Center at UBC. So I was ecstatic to be part of such an amazing journey and to experience the electricity in Vancouver during those weeks. I also co-authoured an IOC nutrition book for athletes and I was invited to a consensus meeting at IOC medical commission headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland this fall (2010) as part of a global team of experts to participate in nutrition and sport research. The proceedings will be published in The Journal of Sport Science.

A lot of us beer-league / recreational sports players don't really take fitness too seriously, apart from our regular once/twice a week skate, followed by the ever well-known health shake known as LAGER. Can you discuss why this may be kinda bad for us? (I was always thought beer was FULL of nutritious stuff!!!)

Beer in moderation is fine. It’s the 3, 4 or 5 that pose a health risk in addition to inhibiting proper muscle recovery. And beer may be a great thirst quencher but it’s not the optimal re-hydrator due to the diuretic effects. I’m actually more concerned about the wings! At least 50% of the times go for a salad to go with “a few” wings and have water or a Gatorade to replace 2 out of 3 beer! What you do on the other 6 nights will have more impact so enjoy those post-game boys nights!

There is a lot of news being put out lately about how risky it can be on our tickers to play recreational hockey (lots of fast starts & stops, followed by periods of inactivity on the bench). Do you think this has merit, or is it more luck of the draw when your time comes? AND, do you have some relatively simple suggestions to help those of us?

There is definitely some evidence that supports the fact that being sedentary with infrequent intervals of intense play can be greatly increase your risk of a sudden heart attack. We also see this at first snowfall when unfit people go out and shovel their driveway (unaccustomed to such intensity). Aim to do 30 minutes of cardio at least 3 other days of the week and take 10 minutes twice a week to boost your anaerobic threshold (near maximal outputs lasting 20-30 sec) with simple exercises like push-ups with a clap, jump squats and wind sprints (sprint 15-20 sec then rest 60-90 sec and repeat 4-6 times). Mini-metabolic boosting strength workouts of 10-15 min 2-3 times a week can change your health and your game!

With limited time to work out, or knowledge to battle "WEEKEND WARRIOR SYNDROME?" same as above and also use a sports drink (Eg Gatorade or Powerade) to keep your energy up during the game in addition to maintaining adequate glucose for the brain – mistakes and injuries are significantly increased when blood sugars runs low or dehydration sets in. For those watching clories dilute Gatorade with 30-50% water.

What about "pre game meal planning" - everyone has always heard to have a plate of pasta before a game. True? Are there better alternatives?

Pasta is great (topped with veggies not meatballs!), but you need a full 3 hrs to have the benefits. It also depends what you top it with – too much protein and/or oil can require 4+ hrs of digestion.

Any other comments you wish to share?

Be a role model for the children – exercising 1-2x per week will NOT result in a lifetime of health. Get off the couch, away from the computer and go outside with your kids daily and visit a farmer’s market instead of the burger stop! Invest in a good raincoat and some rubber boots – no excuses!

On behalf of all of us at FarParker, we would like to thank you for taking the time to provide us this great information, and we look forward to reading your upcoming contributions to our “DID YOU KNOW?” section on the site! To learn more about Nanci or her nutrition consulting business, please visit her at PowerPlay Web!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Get a Better Feel for what Your Skis Can Do

By Dan Lacroix, CSIA Level IV, CSCF Level III

Have you ever wondered why the new “Shaped” skis help your skiing? The simple answer is that they have more sidecut to them and therefore when you tip them over on their edges, they’ll have a tendency to “GRIP” the snow and deflect you across the hill more than your old skis would. Without getting into the physics of it, I’ll tell you how to experiment with the skis to get a good feel of what they can do.

First of all, you should try these experiments on very easy, flat terrain, while skiing fairly fast. I mean really flat, the kind of slope that you would just “tuck” on. I call these Roller Blade Turns. Basically, imagine that you had some roller blades on and you were on a nice flat surface. You would NOT have your legs tight together would you? You would just do some slight curves left and right with a natural athletic stance. Do your wheels skid or do they track? Of course they just track and you really just move both legs laterally at the same time and pace. Well…try this with skis on. The idea is not to have the skis “pivot,” rather you just want to feel that the skis are being tipped over laterally at the same time and pace. Each ski is a mirror image of each other. It will feel exactly like you have a pair of roller blades on. The tails will NOT wash or slide out. You will be making 2 parallel pencil lines in the snow with your edges.

Now again, this will take some practice because you will have the tendency to want to twist or pivot the skis. Try and resist this and feel as though you are slicing the snow and not scrapping the snow. The key here is to experiment with these feelings and then try and bring them back into your regular skiing. Remember that the type of slope you are on will dictate the types of turns you need to do. For example, on a steeper slope you will have a tendency to make short round turns. As the terrain flattens out a bit you’ll naturally make some slightly larger turns. The goal is to try and feel the skis “GRIP” the snow similar to what you felt while doing the Roller Blade turns. At first this will happen towards the end of each turn, but as you get better, your “GRIP” will engage earlier in the turn.

Remember, if you want to get better at a sport you need to try and play with ideas that will feel weird at first, but in the long run will make you a better skier. You will also enjoy those shaped skis much more too. Take care.

For more tips on winter sports, hockey and health check out