Thursday, August 5, 2010

PuckGobbler Visits Vancoouver's Gay Pride Parade (Not That There's Anything Wrong With That!!)

Another year of Vancouver Fireworks has come and gone, but I did manage to take in this Saturday's 'China' Show from my parents rooftop patio in English Bay...along with about eight martinis. As such, the decision to crash at their place was easy. The decision to get up Sunday morning and go watch the Gay Pride Parade (for the 1st time), was a little more challenging, but I'm actually very glad we went....simply put - this was a blast.

I've been to many parades before, and hands down, this takes the cake for fun, energy, crowd enthusiasm, things to see, variety of floats and participants...and sheer colour. There were tens of thousands of people lined along Denman, and not ONE hint of biggotry, racism, anger or angst. This was an event based on understanding, compassion, education and true spirit that brought people (gay and straight) together in a way I'd never seen before.

Speaking with an Iranian women in the crowd beside me, she nearly had tears in her eyes from the joy of now living in such a tolerant city. People are still executed in her homeland for coming out, and her decision to stay in Canada has been firmly rooted.

Now, I'm not gonna be all soapy and stuff here, but I did want to throw this out there that I am so dearly happy to live here in Vancouver where we can all get along, regardless of who we are and what we do. And, yes...the organisers of the parade were also quite kind to include several floats to make my enjoyment of the event that much better, kind of like watching 'The Bachelor' with your girlfriend or wife. Show sucks, but damn there's something for everyone to see to keep you entertained! If you haven't been before, do check this out next year; it was as big a bang as the fireworks the night before...

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